About Me


I'm Michael Levy. I'm an aspiring software developer with a love for solving problems.

I've been doing software development for a while now. I took computer science classes throughout high school, but I didn't consider it as a career until the final year. The project that year was a reverse polish notation calculator, built using Java Swing. This doesn't sound immediately exciting - I'm sure most devs built something similar when they were starting out. However, this is where I found my passion for coding. The teacher was very hands off, and allowed us to discover and solve our own problems. This suited me perfectly. I delighted in finding interesting mathematical functions to implement or adding some flair to Java's somewhat dated GUI design. This problem-solving, tinkering and observable result are my favourite part of programming.

I'm now a student at Victoria University of Wellington. There's a really solid ECS department here, and it's given me a great foundation in data structures, algorithms, project management, and many other skills integral to being a good developer. In my own time I've been working on my web development skills, as that's the area I'd most like to enter. This means working on projects where I can work on the tools and technologies that are important in the webdev space - but my interests remain broad, and I'm always open to trying new things.

I'm currently looking for work over the summer, and would love to help you build something! You can see what else I've done here

, and contact me here.